
A GAP package for working with association schemes and homogeneous coherent configurations

Version 3.0.0

This project is maintained by John Bamberg, Akihide Hanaki, Jesse Lansdown

GAP Package AssociationSchemes

The current version of this package is version 3.0.0. For more information, please refer to the package manual in either pdf format or html format. There is also a README file.


This package requires GAP version >= 4.9

The following other GAP packages are needed:

The following additional GAP packages are not required, but suggested:


John Bamberg, Akihide Hanaki, Jesse Lansdown


Please, cite this package as

[BHL23] Bamberg, J., Hanaki, A. and Lansdown, J., AssociationSchemes, A GAP package for working with association schemes and homogeneous coherent configurations, Version 3.0.0 (2023)
(GAP package),

You can get more info by typing Cite("AssociationSchemes"); in the gap prompt.


For bug reports, feature requests and suggestions, please use the issue tracker.

Previous versions

Interested in an older version? Look here.